
Top 10 most popular monuments of love in the world

Top 10 most popular monuments of love in the world
Monuments always remind us about history of something. When it comes to the case of love it becomes a great experience to see such monuments of love, The living structures that showing pure form of love. Here the list of top 10 most popular monuments of love in the world.

 Chandor Gardens, Texas

Chandor Gardens
Chandor garden can be located in city of weatherford, in Texas. Chandor garden is a symbol of love and hard work by Douglas Chandor, a well known painter and his wife Ina Kuteman. They took more than 16 years to such a beautiful  chandor garden. Chandor garden opens daily for the visitors.
Douglas Chandor actually a Englishman who came to US 1926, became a popular portrait painter in short time. He get married to Ina Kuetman in the year 1930 and in 1936 this couple began to work in a area of 3.5 acre for creating a beautiful garden. As a result of 16 years of hard work and dedication they transform  an entire hilly area into a beautiful garden with series of walkways, fountains and plants.
In 1953 Douglas Chandor passed away and Ina Kuteman opened this garden for visitors. When Ina Kuteman died in 1978 this beautiful garden faced some declination and was restored within short time. Today it is place for hosting wedding ceremonies and special parties. Chandor garden undoubtedly symbol of pure form of love between Douglas Chandor and Ina Kuteman, also became precious gift for generations.

 Mirabell Palace and Gardens, Austria

Mirabell Palace and Gardens
Mirabell palace and garden situated in largest city of Salzburg in Austria. This palace was originally built in 1606 by prince Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau for his princess Salome alt. This royal couple also blessed with 15 childrens upon completion of that great palace. They also believed that the union between them is help to accomplish all of their dreams.
This place renamed as Mirabell palace after the death of Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau by Markus sitticus. Marbell place wen through many renovations but still the interiors remains untouched and keeps ancient beauty. The beautiful carvings, sculptures and specially designed staircase not only sounds the works of artist but also the truthness of love by prince Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau.
Mirabell garden was created in the year 1690 by Archbishop johann Ernst Graf von and gt renovated many times. The pegasus fountain and different groups of statues of Mirabell garden are globally popular nowadays.

Petit Trianon, France

Petit Trianon
The manor house, petit trianon situated as a part of Versailles palace in France. It was built by king Lois XV for his queen madame de pompadour. Unfortunately she died four years before the completion of petit trianon. Later the king presented this beautiful manor house to next queen Madame Du Barry.
Petit trianon was built using greek style fashion and beautifully decorated by classical art elements. The elegant wood work also makes petit trianon more attractive. This manor house is surrounded by beautiful gardens. It is possible to see all faces of the petit trianon, in fact have different structures. Artists used ancient temple structures for building faces of petit trianon.

 Kodai-Ji Temple, Japan

Kodai-ji Temple
Kodai-ji temple can be located in the valley of Higashiyama ryozen mountains in Kyoto. This temple was built in 1606 by Kita-no-Mandokoro for her late husband Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was known as second great unifer of Japan, who me with  Kita-no-Mandokoro at the time of when he gone for wars.  This beautiful historical site is opened year around for the visitors.
After the death of Kita-no-Mandokoro, in 1624 Kodai-ji temple turned as a principal monk. The graves of both Kita-no-Mandokoro and Toyotomi Hideyoshi buried under Kodai-ji temple. This temple was enriches by lots of art works and lacquer furnishings. The garden around Kita-no-Mandokoro temple designed by Kobori Ensu in 16th century also makes this historical site more attractive.

 Thornewood Castle, Washington

Thronewood castle
Thornewood castle is a historical house situated in an areas of  4 acres in lakewood city of Washington. It is result of pure love between the millionaire Chester thorne and his wife Anna. in 1907 Anna told Chester Thorne about her wish to built a castle. In short time that lovable husband purchased 400 year old  Elizabethan manor from England.
Chester thorne broke down that manor and shipped to Washington brick by brick for building their dream castle. Almost three ships of material are get transported from England to Washington by Chester Thorne. The famous architect Kirtland Kelsy Cutter was the man behind the construction of Thornewood castle. It took almost three years for the completion of Thornewood castle, starting from 1908.
There are 27000 square feet of area are spread inside of Thornewood Castle under one roof. It is also possible to see rare art works and old painting inside of Thronewood castle. The sunken garden outside of Thronewood castle also makes this site more attractive among visitors. Today the luxury suites of Thronewood castle also available for rent.

 Coral Castle, Florida

Coral Castle
Coral castle or sculpture garden in stone can be spotted in city of Miami in Florida. Coral castle tells the story about 28 years of handiwork of a man for his lost love. The love sick man Edward Leedskalnin got engaged to Agnes Scuffs when he was 26. Agnes Scuffs only aged 16 at that time and she cancel the wedding just one day before official function. The heartbroken Edward decided to built a monument for his lost love, that which is today found as Coral Castle.
Edward started the work of Coral Castle in 1921 and spend his remaining life only for it. The 5 feet 100 pounds Edward managed to moved over 1100 tons of coral for the formation of Coral Castle. In facts the coral within area of Florida have thickness of 4000 feet, the effort he put to cut blocks from this formation in just incredible and shows his true love for Agnes Scuffs.
You will able to see beautiful carvings and sculpture around this coral garden. It is also possible to see ‘sign’ of this love sick man within cora structures. Today coral castle daily opens for visitors, no one can easily believe that all of coral formation within this stone garden carved by a single man.

 Kellie’s Castle, Malaysia

Kellie's Castle
This castle can be located in Perak state of Malaysia. It was built in 20th century by Scotsman William Kellie Smith to celebrate the birth of his first son after long wait. Kellie’s Castle is opens daily for visitors nowadays.
He had a great fascination towards Indian culture and architecture style, as a result he imported all bricks from India to built his mansion to develop same kind of architecture. He also managed to import large group of Indian workers for building up Kellie’s castle. This brick manson enriches by two tunnels that run under river and one to connect with near by temple.
There is an rooftop courtyard within topfloor of Kellie’s castle for celebrating parties. Unfortunately in 1921 William Kellie Smith lost his life because of pneumonia, in between his journey to Portugal for collecting material for the Castle and it remains unfinished. The heart broken wife and childrens went back to Scotland where her native place by handover the castle to a British company.

 Sweet Heart Abbey, Scotland

Sweetheart Abbey
Sweet heart abbey reveals the deep love of devorgilla for her husband lord John Balliol, located in Dumfries, Scotland. As a curse devorgilla lost his lovable husband in 1268 and she couldn’t withstand on that situation. Shere kept preserved heart of John Balliol in a  casket and kept with her all time.
Devorgilla done many charities at that time also found Cistercian abbey of dulce cor which have meaning of sweet heart in Latin. At last Devorgilla died in 1289 and got buried in front of  sweet heart abbey by seized the preserved heart of John Balliol within her bossom. Sweet heart abbey regarded as a holy place and opens year around for visitors.

 Boldt Castle, New York

Boldt Castle
Boldt Castle regarded as perfect place for love, as it situated in heart Island, having shape of heart in New York city. The millionaire George Boldt decided to build huge masonry structures in heart Island for his family. He actually wished for to turned it to largest private home in the country.
Hundreds of carpenters, stone masons and artists worked for built such a huge masonry structures. They built several structures within various parts of heart Island. Unfortunately in 1904 Boldt’s wife passed away and the heart broken George ordered the workers for stop the work for ever. For a long time period of 73 years beautiful Boldt Castle left alone and in 1977 thousands Island authority acquired this castle for future generations.
The surroundings of Boldt castle are decorated with beautiful gardens. The masonry structures of Boldt castle is unique and most favorite spot for enjoying vacation for families.

 Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Taj Mahal
Taj mahal is known as the symbol of love, located in city of Agra in UP, India. It was built by mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumthas. Taj Mahal is one of monument that listed within world heritage sites and admired every tourists across the world. Also listed on seven wonders of the world.
Starting in 16332 it took 17 years for the completion for great monument of love. It is estimated that over 22000 worked for construction of Taj Mahal including labourers, painters, stone cutters and artists. The persian and mughal architecture are used to built Taj Mahal. Special type of marbles are used for construction of of Mahal.
The interiors of Taj Mahal are also decorated with special gemstones. Interestingly all faces of Taj Mahal seems identical and the beautiful garden makes surroundings more attractive. Taj Mahal also takes different coloring at different time, pinkish hue in morning, milky white in evening and golden at night, makes Taj Mahal one of most loveliest spot in the world. Both tomb of Shah Jahan and Mumthas buried in Taj Mahal for being together even after the death.

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