
Most mysterious and unexplored places on Earth

unexplored places in the world
The brain power helps the man to discover many secrets of Earth. We also reached the Moon surface and explore other planets in solar system. But still there are a number of unexplored places in the world. Here the list of most mysterious and unexplored places on Earth.

Unexplored places on Earth

The inhospitable environments and devastating natural forces itself that defend man from exploring some places on Earth. At the same time, such natural forces also help to remain a few places in it’s original form and beauty.

 Greenland icecaps

Greenland is the largest island in the world. In fact, most areas of Greenland is covered by ice caps. It makes this place to least populated and unexplored. The ice sheets of Greenland have a thickness of 3200 meters that have an age of 100,000 years.

Greenland is also home for glaciers, ice flowing rivers, midnight Sun, hot springs and northern lights. But the unsustainable weather condition makes Greenland to one of least explored places on Earth.

 Mariana trench, Western Pacific ocean


Mariana trench is the deepest part on Earth, located in Western Pacific ocean. It was created by the ocean to ocean subduction millions of years ago. The deepest point in Mariana trench is known as ‘challenger deep’ which having a maximum known depth of 11 kilometers. The depth and high pressure of Mariana trench made it to unsustainable for humans, became unexplored.
Mariana trench is home for many rare minerals and deep ocean creatures. The floor of Mariana trench contains million years old fossils and many other minerals that can reveal secrets of Earth. But the unsustainable conditions made it difficult to be explored by humans.

 Gangkhar Puensum, Bhutan

gangkhar puensum

Gangkhar Puensum is the highest unclimbed mountain in the world located in Bhutan. This mountain has a height of 7570 meters and it is the 40th highest mountain the world. There is only four reported expeditions took place in Gangkhar Puensum in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively.But all of those expeditions became unsuccessful because of heavy snowfall and unsustainable conditions.
Because of spiritual believes Bhutan government restricted mountaineering in Gangkhar Puensum in the year 2004. So Gangkhar Puensum mountain became unclimbed and unexplored.


It is a known fact that deserts are least explored because of uninhabitable weather conditions. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world in depending on unsuitable conditions for growing plants. The hottest desert in the world is Sahara, located in Africa. The deserts only get very little rainfall in a year. There is also extreme temperature fluctuations take place in deserts, days are very hot and nights becomes very cold. It makes very harsh environments for animals, plants and humans.

 Deep caves

deep caves
There are a large number of caves located across the world. It becomes too difficult for scientists to explore many of caves in the world because of unbearable weather conditions, sharp rocks, scalding water, and slipping conditions. Some of the underwater caves in the world are even uninhabited by marine life because of deadliest conditions for survival. The flooded Yucatan Cenotes cave network in Mexico is the best example for it. The crystal caves and snow caves also become too dangerous for expedition due to unprecedented changes.

 Amazon rainforest, South America

Amazon rainforest
Amazon holds half of rain forests on Earth in an area of 2.5 million square miles. The rich biodiversity and presence of rare animal species make Amazon rainforest to the focal area for the expedition. But Amazon’s mysterious habitat makes it still an unexplored place on Earth.
There is no dry season in Amazon rainforest, get rain all the year. The heavy rain in Amazon rain forest between February and May causes the rise of water level in Amazon river drastically. It leads to heavy flooding in Amazon. In such a condition, the transportation through Amazon river also become too dangerous because of extreme river currents.
There are also other deadliest animals in Amazon like jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, poison dart frogs, piranhas, black caiman (member of alligator family) and anacondas that can harm humans. The lack of access to healthy food and clean water also causes many diseases.


Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth surface, climate drastically changes between -10C to -30C in the normal case. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is -89 degree Celsius. It is the driest, coldest, windiest continent on Earth. The harsh climate itself make Antarctica to most unknown and unexplored place.
Fastest wind speed recorded in Antarctica is 200 miles per hour in 1972. The ice sheets in Antarctica have a thickness of 2 miles reflect the unbearable climate condition of the continent. Heavy snow falls, glaciers, crevasses are the other potential hazards in Antarctica.

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